
Explore your inner strength ​

The path to a meaningful and balanced life starts here

Do you feel that you are standing still, stuck in old patterns or weighed down by worry in these turbulent times? You’re not alone – but you don’t have to face these challenges on your own either. Through coaching, conversations and frequency therapy, we can explore your inner potential together and create a path forward that feels both meaningful and inspiring.

Dare to explore ​

Conversations that create change

The first step towards a more harmonious and meaningful existence is often the most difficult, but also the most important. Through conversations, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your current situation, identify what needs to change and get support in making the decisions required to get where you want to go. Together, we find ways to overcome obstacles and put the spotlight on what really matters to you.

Frequency Therapy – Your energy in balance

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment method that helps to identify and correct energy balances in the body. By using frequencies, we can treat a variety of ailments such as stress, aches, sleep problems, and emotional blockages. This therapy can be combined with coaching sessions to give you a holistic solution for both body and mind.

Your body and soul carry inherent wisdom. Frequency therapy is a method of reconnecting to that wisdom by balancing the body’s energy field.

Time is now

Your journey begins with a conversation

The first step towards a more harmonious and meaningful existence is often the most difficult, but also the most important. Through conversations, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your current situation, identify what needs to change and get support in making the decisions required to get where you want to go. Together, we find ways to overcome obstacles and put the spotlight on what really matters to you.

The road to a better life begins with taking the first step. If you feel that you are ready to change, evolve and find more balance in your life, my role is to be your guide, listener and inspirer on this journey.

Take the first step, book your first appointment for free!

Frequency Therapy

Frequency Therapy

Bioresonance treatment method in complementary medicine where you focus on the whole, not symptoms to find the root of the problems.

Bioresonance therapy is an effective method used for allergies, stomach problems, skin problems, fatigue, headaches, pain or when you feel generally  out of balance. 

The bioresonance machine is designed to provide the most accurate diagnostic results because it focuses on the source, the brain, because it is in the mind that we begin to gather information about the changes occurring in the body. 

The sensors in the headphones are placed on the client’s ears and use the brain to communicate with the frequencies that arise in the body. Any change at the cellular level will be detected and identified, whether it is a bacterium, virus, parasite or any biochemical symptom, it will be detected by its unique frequency or signature and identified by name and stage of development.

Crystal Light Therapy

The Crystal light bed is available at

Casa Caramel, Rua de Bernada 

Altura Portugal

Thousands have been helped by this form of treatment, now it is available here in Altura!


Stress and worry create poor health, we do not listen to the signals we receive from our bodies and our inner voice.

Find your inner balance and peace, start with 40 minutes that can be a new start.

The treatment itself takes 20-40 minutes, + time for conversation, a total of about 1 hour.
Suspended above you are seven specially cut quartz crystals. The crystals are directed towards your energy centers, your chakras, purifying, strengthening, balancing and providing a profound healing on all levels.
Please wear white clothes during the treatment.

Meditation By the Sea

Every Sunday we meet to meditate and talk about life, death and everything in between, at Praia de Altura.

The magazine Tomorrow did a report about our group, Sisters of The Sea.

We are happy to start a new group for English speakers, please contact us if you are interested.